Davon Woodley
Davon Woodley was born and raised in Harlem. From childhood, Davon has been exposed to the effects of mass incarceration after his own father spent half of his life incarcerated. At the age of 24, he too was sentenced to 4 years in prison in upstate NY.
During his incarceration, Davon has become a facilitator to help individuals inside, transition home, with a plan of action and resources to help lower recidivism and help to foster holistic healthy alternatives to living. He also became a PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act) Peer Advocate helping all incarcerated brothers suffering from sexual assault and assisting them with the help they need.
Since being released he has become a social justice leader for all formerly incarcerated individuals. He is an active campaign leader for JLUSA (Justleadership USA) for the #CloseRikers Campaign. He was featured on Fox News Good Day New York speaking on bail reform and advocating for the mass bailout. He has since been featured in several different media Outlets discussing topics around being incarcerated himself, promoting successful reentry into society and breaking barriers for individuals coming home from prison. Now having successfully completed parole he has served as a community board member for East Harlem (Community Board 11) serving on the human services and economic development committees and recently graduated with a certification from John Jay in Human Services and Peer Navigation.
Currently, Davon currently is an Outreach Specialist for the Center for Employment Opportunities (CEO) and continues to strive for social justice by breaking barriers to stable employment and career development for formerly incarcerated individuals. As well as promoting successful reentry through circling, emotional development and motivational interviewing along with his mentoring program through his church.
You can follow him on Instagram @Thankful_Champ