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Dorian “DiDi” Bess

Dorian “DiDi” Bess is an advocate for incarcerated women dealing with trauma. She has done two prison bids, totaling over 18 years. During her life, she suffered many traumas which lead to her incarcerations. She is a single mother and raised her son Dante from behind the prison walls.

Broken and alone, she decided that her life had to be different or she would die in prison. She worked on her traumas and was soon able to see that other women around her were going through the same challenges she encountered. Coming home, she wants to make a difference in the lives of women who have had similar experiences as her; preparing women to be independent and heal from their traumatic pasts.

Currently, Dorian is in the CASAC program and will be a certified Recovery Coach. She is a mentor for persons affected by the criminal justice system and an advocate for restoration after incarceration.

You can contact Dorian at